Developmental Acupuncture:
"Micro- and Macro Skills for
Expanding Treatment Possibilities in Clinical Practice"
In this seminar, Edward Sensei will guide attendees to gain greater understanding of their
practice of acupuncture and moxibustion. He wants to empower students to develop their
own treatment strategies that will be generally applicable in a variety of clinical situations.
On Days 1 and 2, attendees can expect to learn classically-based theory from
the Nan Jing (難経) and Nei Jing (内経) and to observe demonstrations and
participate in hands-on practice of micro skills for treatment.
Day 3 will involve integration of the micro skills into macro skills (the treatment itself).
It is Edward sensei's goal that no attendee leaves the seminar without
gaining a more solid foundation in classical theory and practical competence.
practice of acupuncture and moxibustion. He wants to empower students to develop their
own treatment strategies that will be generally applicable in a variety of clinical situations.
On Days 1 and 2, attendees can expect to learn classically-based theory from
the Nan Jing (難経) and Nei Jing (内経) and to observe demonstrations and
participate in hands-on practice of micro skills for treatment.
Day 3 will involve integration of the micro skills into macro skills (the treatment itself).
It is Edward sensei's goal that no attendee leaves the seminar without
gaining a more solid foundation in classical theory and practical competence.