Beyond Stagnations & Deficiency:
Resolving Blockages in Patient and Practitioner
7-9 August 2015 - Boulder Seminar
With Edward Obaidey
YWCA Boulder
Diagnosis and Treatment
It really does not pay in the long run to be too concerned about being right or wrong. That type of mentality will not allow unified action and will prevent clarity.
Relax, forget about being right or wrong.
Do not worry about being right or wrong, just aim for clarity.
Trying to get it right just results in trying (not the same as doing) and gives rise to extra tension. You will always be wondering, worrying and be enslaved by the voice in your head that keeps asking, “Is this okay?” “ Are you sure?” and other questions that do not allow you to act freely. So this means that the practitioner moves through the treatment like a car with the handbrake on. Ponderously slow and indecisive. In this state there can be no chance of any Ki flow. . . .
Let it go!
Tension, deliberately trying to bring to bear one’s experience on the treatment process turns the whole thing into a yet another karmic event. Treatment should be a liberating experience and actually undo karma not create more.
Just go for clarity.
Clarity does not worry about being right or wrong. Look, even if you are absolutely wrong, the results will be very clearly wrong and you can make suitable corrections. These can be made during the treatment and if necessary, next time. If you are right, the results will also of course be clear as well. If you are half hearted though and plagued by doubt and other concerns, the results will always be fuzzy and difficult to build on.
In this regard, I very much like a phrase from Confucius which made it onto my whiteboard.*
“知行合 思無邪”
“Knowledge and action combined, no distracting thoughts.”. . . DO IT!
Edward Obaidey 2015
It really does not pay in the long run to be too concerned about being right or wrong. That type of mentality will not allow unified action and will prevent clarity.
Relax, forget about being right or wrong.
Do not worry about being right or wrong, just aim for clarity.
Trying to get it right just results in trying (not the same as doing) and gives rise to extra tension. You will always be wondering, worrying and be enslaved by the voice in your head that keeps asking, “Is this okay?” “ Are you sure?” and other questions that do not allow you to act freely. So this means that the practitioner moves through the treatment like a car with the handbrake on. Ponderously slow and indecisive. In this state there can be no chance of any Ki flow. . . .
Let it go!
Tension, deliberately trying to bring to bear one’s experience on the treatment process turns the whole thing into a yet another karmic event. Treatment should be a liberating experience and actually undo karma not create more.
Just go for clarity.
Clarity does not worry about being right or wrong. Look, even if you are absolutely wrong, the results will be very clearly wrong and you can make suitable corrections. These can be made during the treatment and if necessary, next time. If you are right, the results will also of course be clear as well. If you are half hearted though and plagued by doubt and other concerns, the results will always be fuzzy and difficult to build on.
In this regard, I very much like a phrase from Confucius which made it onto my whiteboard.*
“知行合 思無邪”
“Knowledge and action combined, no distracting thoughts.”. . . DO IT!
Edward Obaidey 2015
Edward will deal with the subject of blockages in the context of Oriental medicine. These blockages are to be found not only in the Patient but within the Practitioner. This seminar will investigate:
Edward will:
- the meaning, manifestation and treatment of Blood Stagnation; Accumulation Disease; Concentrations; and Stagnation within Deficiency (false stagnation).
- blockages to learning and development in the practitioner.
Edward will:
- use the prism of the various Stagnations to illustrate understanding of pathology, symptoms and treatment.
- draw on various classical sources, particularly Nan Jing & Su Wen;
- discuss, demonstrate & teach techniques and skills
- discuss sticking points and blockages in the development of practitioners skills and knowledge
- learn to recognise, understand, diagnose and treat all types of stagnation and blockage in the context of symptoms & pathology.
- arrive at better understanding of the classical syndromes.
- develop the tools for continuing development and increased effectiveness in your practice.
- gain freedom to creatively select your own approach to best deal with the circumstance of the patient before you.
- learn & practice the skilful use of both fine needles and Chinese.
- learn & practice effective point selection; needling techniques & moxa techniques.
Pricing : Early Bird Registration (if postmarked by June 30, 2015):
-Professionals: $450. After June 30: $495.
-Current Students: $350. After June 30: $395.
-Professionals: $450. After June 30: $495.
-Current Students: $350. After June 30: $395.