About Edward:
Edward Obaidey graduated from the Tokyo Therapeutic Institute in 1990, and has a very busy practice in Tokyo. He is the founder of the Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion Skills Foundation and more recently the Rare Apricot Society, organisations dedicated to the practice and preservation of traditional Oriental Medicine. He is privileged to have studied in apprenticeship under Misao Takenouchi sensei* and then he has spent over 25 years studying extensively with renowned acupuncturist/ herbalist Masakazu Ikeda. Edward’s own clinic is a place of living, developing practice where many students (both Japanese and Western) have apprenticed and continue to apprentice. This community is generated by Edward’s obvious expertise, dedication and delight in pursuing and transmitting understanding of this art. Edward is Ikeda Sensei's main interpreter for his books, DVDs, and seminars. He translated "The Practice of Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Classic Principles in Action", and he conceived, designed and narrated "The Art of Acupuncture" DVD. Edward Sensei has also lectured independently in Japan, Australia, Canada, England, Spain and the United States. He has authored "A Long Road Volume I-IV” which is an in- depth inquiry into the practice of Acupuncture. *Misao Takenouchi Sensei Misao Takenouchi was born in 1920 in one of the Japanese small island, Tanegashima. When he was 17 he was involved in the accident caused by falling rocks and had severe compound fracture on his left arm and left leg. He had been struggling against injury for 2 years and then he met a Buddhist Pilgrim. The Buddhist pilgrim treated Misao Ikenouchi Sensei by moxibustion. He miraculously got almost cured except for the numbness on his left arm. Then he decided to be an acupuncturist and went to Kagoshima Acupuncture and Moxibustion school. After graduating from the school in 1943, he devoted his life as an acupuncturist and also taught apprentices during over 50 years of practice. 大正9年、種子島生まれ。昭和12年、落石事故にあい左上肢・左下肢複雑骨折、2年近い闘病生活をおくる。お遍路のお灸で奇跡的に全快、余生を鍼灸にささげる決意のもと、鹿児島鍼灸専修学校に入学。昭和18年、同校卒業後50年間、鍼灸臨床のかたわら、後進の育成につとめる(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) 『足の裏健康法 “元気の素”は足の裏にあり!』より |